30 Jul

Remember to notify

  • By: Doug MAUSHARDT
  • Moving Tips
  • Comments Off on Remember to notify

When you are getting ready to move there are a lot of little tasks that need to be taken care of that often slip between the cracks or are easily forgotten. Below is a list of the people you need to let know you are moving or make arrangements to change services.

•Newspapers, Magazines, etc.
•Leased or Rented Appliances (water heaters, water softeners, etc.)
•Fuel Delivery
•Gas, Water, Electricity
•Cable TV & Internet Services
•Phone and Cell Phone Services
•Pool Services, Lawn/Garden Services
•Garbage Pickup
•Housecleaning Service
•Insurance Company (car, home, etc)
•Clubs (health, golf, tennis)
•Checking and Savings Accounts (bank)
•Credit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express)
•Loan Institutions
•Insurance Agencies

Be sure to check out our moving resource guide when moving in San Diego. This page is a great resource to San Diego utilities.

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